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In order to spend a joyful and peaceful Spring Festival, we need your cooperation to work together...


When it comes to Spring Festival-related English phrases, we have a variety of options. For example, we can use \"The Spring Festival\" or \"Chinese New Year\" to refer to this traditional Chinese holiday. If we need to write an essay about Spring Festival, we can use phrases like \"Chinese New Year\" or \"The Spring Festival\" as the topic. For instance, we can start the essay with a sentence like \"Chinese New Year is a festive holiday celebrated by Chinese people around the world.\"


The usage of prepositions \"in,\" \"at,\" or \"on\" before \"Spring Festival\" depends on the context of the sentence. For example, we say \"In Spring Festival, families gather to celebrate,\" or \"At Spring Festival, people exchange gifts and enjoy festive food.\" On the other hand, we use \"On Spring Festival\" when referring to a specific day of the holiday. For instance, \"On Spring Festival Eve, families have a big reunion dinner.\"

英语怎么说在春节期间? - 懂得

During the Spring Festival, Chinese families engage in various activities to celebrate the holiday. They often gather together to play cards, have chats, and watch TV. The festive atmosphere creates a joyful and lively environment for everyone.


The phrase \"in the new year\" is the correct usage. In English, \"year\" is a countable noun, which requires the use of an article. Therefore, we say \"in the new year\" to refer to the time period after December 31st and before January 1st of the following year. For example, we can say \"In the new year, people often make resolutions and set goals for themselves.\"


1. When is the Spring Festival? The Spring Festival falls on different dates each year as it follows the lunar calendar. For example, in 2023, the Spring Festival will be on February 10th.2. Have you made all the preparations for the delicious meals during the Spring Festival? Traditional Chinese dishes, such as dumplings, fish, and rice cakes, are commonly enjoyed during this festive time. It\'s a great opportunity to savor the culinary delights of the season.

Spring Festival是什么意思

The English phrase \"Spring Festival\" refers to the traditional Chinese holiday known as the Chinese New Year. It is a noun that represents the celebration of the arrival of spring in Chinese culture. The phrase is usually preceded by the definite article \"the.\" The Spring Festival is a time for family reunions, festive decorations, and various cultural activities. It is widely celebrated by Chinese people both in China and around the world.


If we want to express the idea of \"celebrating the Spring Festival\" in English, we can use the phrase \"celebrate the Spring Festival.\" This phrase accurately captures the notion of enjoying and participating in the festivities and traditions associated with this important Chinese holiday. Additionally, for festive banners or greetings, we can translate them as \"Happy Spring Festival.\"


There is a distinction between the words \"festival\" and \"holiday\" in English. While both terms imply a celebratory time, \"festival\" is often used to describe a specific event or occasion with cultural or artistic significance. It is typically associated with a series of commemorative activities. Examples of festivals include Christmas in the Western world and Spring Festival in China. On the other hand, \"holiday\" is a broader term that encompasses days off and breaks from work or school, which can include religious observances, public holidays, and vacations.


1. Spring Festival is a time for family reunion, and its grand finale is the iconic Lantern Festival. This festival marks the end of the traditional lunar New Year celebrations and is characterized by beautiful lantern displays, lion and dragon dances, and various performances.2. During the Spring Festival, people exchange greetings and wishes for good luck and prosperity in the new year. It is customary to give red envelopes containing money as a gesture of goodwill and blessings. The festive atmosphere fills the streets with joy and excitement, creating a vibrant and lively atmosphere.